duminică, 3 iulie 2011

    I saw today a lot of nice pictures somewhere around the web. A lot of artistic nudes , many , many  pictures , maybe too many. And once again I concluded that the most expressive nude pictures are the ones that are showing you nothing , but just make you think about, to picture everything just in your mind. Black , white , shadows , lights and just an invitation is the best picture from my point of view on this area.. at this moment it is just concept. Maybe later will be also something to share here but at this moment it is just " look , don't touch". Anyway , a lot a lot of good stuff was these days around my eyes and I am discovering each day something new related to photos. Too bad that I am not in the best mood to walk away somewhere , install the camera and start phantasying about. 

   Also , I found something which is brilliant : why I am so afraid to lose you when you're not even mine?

    It really made me smile because it is just .. brilliant and it is saying much more than any picture can do. And it makes me just think about some good old nights , many many years ago , when I spent so many amazing summer nights with someone and  something which was obvious to anyone and meant to happen between me and her  in fact it never happened and it just remained as a pleasant memory, as pleasant as an good old fine wine and some music from the '930 as the one from below.  I did not lose her ( neither then or now) , being now just  some good old friends, too good and too old to try something tricky. But sometimes I am thinking to the possibility to lose some persons which in fact I do not know , but I know that they are somewhere , around , nowhere.. but they are. Part of me , part of what I was or part of what I intend to become.

  Well let's have a fine wine. Do you dance , milady?

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